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Community Garden at Hilltop Farm
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Since its formation in 2002, FOFAH has been working with local farmers, state and federal agencies to prevent erosion, and improve and maintain the soils in the open space at Hilltop.
The FOFAH board is delighted to be able to share the farmland with the local community, offering garden plots to individuals, groups, and families. The Hilltop Farm Community Garden is open to any area resident between school age and senior status, who completes an application and agrees to follow the rules. Have fun and enjoy gardening at Hilltop Farm!


About the Plots

  • The Garden is located on eastern slope of the farm near the red small barns and outbuildings. Because the garden is on land leased from the Town of Suffield there are restrictions regarding when we can be there, and our approach to enhancing the farm.


  • To secure a plot, please make a $35 donation to FOFAH or donate a total of 20 volunteer hours per plot per season. You are limited to a two plot purchase during the initial plot assignment in the spring. We assign all plots by May 1st, and you are welcome to purchase a third plot, should any remain.


  • Plots are assigned by a member of the Agricultural Committee on a first-come, first-served basis.


  • Plots are roughly 18' x 25' and are in full sun.


  • Water is plentiful. Nearby are four rainwater collection tanks totalling 1,500 gallons.


  • Plots will be available in mid-May. The actual date will be published as soon as we have a schedule for the plots to be plowed and harrowed.


  • All plots should be planted by mid-June. Unplanted plots may be assigned to someone else.




If the plots are sold out, please add your name to our waitlist. People who have signed up for a plot aren't always able to work them for various reasons. So, we make them available to others.


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View of some of the 76 acres of open space behind the dairy barn that abuts the Connecticut River.

The Friends of the Farm at Hilltop, Inc.  

P.O. Box 372  •  1616 Mapleton Avenue 

Suffield, CT 06078-0372  •  860-758-0668

©2023 The Friends of the Farm at Hilltop

All rights reserved.    


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