FOFAH's Vision for Hilltop Farm
What can you learn on a farm?
Truth be told? There’s nothing you can’t learn on a farm. Caring for the land. Growing food. Using tools. Building and fixing things. Being responsible. Creating. Planning. Leading. Recycling. Respecting nature. Working in teams. You name it, you can learn it on a farm.

That’s the vision of The Friends of the Farm at Hilltop — to help people connect with the land and learn from it.
We see a vibrant learning center at Hilltop operating year round with summer camps, school group visits, seminars and

Farm Fest teen volunteers.
Photo by Ray Pioggia.
special events. We see gardens, crops and classes. We see meaningful and fun programs on farming, gardening, architecture, photography, history, nature and caring for the land.
We see young and old and in-between. We hear laughter. And we see people coming back for more.
What can you learn on the farm? The possibilities are endless.