Share Your Talents with Hilltop Farm
Invest Your Time & Build for the Future
All The Friends are volunteers. As a non-profit group with no paid staff, we rely on volunteers for everything we do.
Volunteering at Hilltop is a multi-generational experience involving young children, senior citizens and everyone in between. Volunteers under age 18 must be accompanied by an adult. Volunteer now.

Volunteers at Hilltop Farm.
Qualifications include enthusiasm and a desire to help! Benefits are finding new friendships with great people and knowing that you've contributed to the rebirth of Hilltop Farm.
2nd Saturday of each month (Additional dates as needed.) 8:00 am - 12 Noon (or whatever you can offer).
Our workdays include removing debris from the buildings and grounds, clearing brush, cleaning up after our ongoing projects, mowing and preparing for events, and doing general upkeep including painting, cleaning and repairing. Hilltop is a big place and demands constant care.
Please bring gloves and any tools you have for clearing land and mending fences.
Volunteer your talents and help The Friends get one step closer to making Hilltop Farm a vibrant learning center for all to enjoy.
What talents would you like to share with us? Volunteer now.
If your scout troop is looking for a project, Hilltop Farm is the place for you.
Two Boy Scouts successfully completed their Eagle Scout projects at Hilltop, and we now have awesome recycling bins and a brand new information kiosk in the open space. Daisy Scouts have planted flowers for us and learned about soil and worms.
What project would your troop like to work on? Email us.
Suffield Academy has brought their Leadership classes to the farm for six years to learn about teams, leadership and problem solving while completing a project for the farm. We now have park benches, a puppet theater, scarecrow forms, an announcement board, plus “milking” cows and other “animals” for the children’s barnyard during Farm Fest.
Pine Meadow Academy, part of the Windsor Locks Public School system, sends students to Hilltop Farm every Thursday morning to work on projects and do chores on the farmstead and in the town-owned open space.
How would your school like to benefit from time on the farm? Email us.
Nonprofits & Other Organizations
The 4th grade Junior Gardeners, sponsored by Suffield Garden Club, complete a service project at the farm for their last meeting of the year. We’ve benefited from the beautiful flowers they plant next to the fire escape.
What would your organization like to do? Email us.
17th Annual Farm Fest - Temporarily suspended
Our annual Farm Fest on Labor Day is a wonderful family event made possible by dozens of volunteers who help with all kinds of “chores” before, during and after. The possibilities are endless:
Set up
Clean up
Sell food tickets
Greet the “Festers”
Help the exhibitors
Assist with contests
Work with the animals
Attend the parking area
Tend the tractor parade
“Play” in the children’s barnyard
With lots of workers for assignments, the hours won’t be long. Donate any amount of time, even before the weekend. If you want to lend a hand all day, we won’t say no. You will have a blast and we will be eternally grateful. We welcome planners and organizers, too.
Interested in working on the 17th annual event? Email us.
Please fill out our Volunteer Information Form so that we are aware of your interests and know how to contact you.​

Annual Harvest Dinner.
Photo by Ray Pioggia.